API Explorer
Adm Cloud API supports two authentication modes:
- Basic Authentication
- Token Authentication (recommended)
Sample C# Code using Basic Authentication
var api_base = "https://api.admcloud.net/api/";
var appid = "your appid";
var company = "your company";
var role = "your role";
var url = $"Accounts?&skip=0&appid={appid}&company={company}&role={role}";
var header = Convert.ToBase64String(
string.Format("{0}:{1}", email, password)));
var client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", header);
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(api_base);
var json = await client.GetStringAsync(url);
Accounting | |
Accounts | Chart of Accounts |
Journals | General Journal Entries |
Administration | |
Departments | Departments |
Divisions | Divisions |
Banks | |
Deposits | General Bank Deposits |
CRM | |
Contacts | Contacts |
Opportunities | Customer Opportunities |
FixedAssets | |
FixedAssets | FixedAssets |
Inventory | |
InventoryAdjustments | Inventory Adjustments |
ItemClasses | ItemClasses |
Items | Inventory Items |
Locations | Inventory Locations. Used to store inventory stock. |
Receptions | Inventory Receptions |
Stock | Inventory Stock Detailed |
UOM | Inventory unit of measure |
Payroll | |
Employee | Employees |
Projects | |
Projects | Projects |
Purchases | |
Expenses | Vendor Expenses |
PurchaseOrders | Vendor Purchase Orders |
VendorBills | Vendor Bills |
VendorReceptions | Inventory Vendor Receptions |
Vendors | Vendors |
Sales | |
CashInvoices | Customer Cash Invoices |
CreditInvoices | Customer Credit Invoices |
CustomerCreditNotes | Customer Credit Notes |
CustomerDebitNotes | Customer Debit Notes |
Customers | Customers |
Quotes | Customer Quotes |
SalesOrders | Customer Sales Orders |
Services | Services |
Service | |
ServiceRequests | Customer Service Requests |